The intent of the Mixed-Use Redevelopment Area Overlay District is to provide opportunities for the redevelopment of existing vacant, underutilized and single-use properties in areas of potential transition from single-use commercial and industrial properties into more vibrant mixed-use neighborhoods. This overlay district is intended to encourage medium- to large-scale mixed-use and multi-use redevelopment at higher densities of residential, office, retail and entertainment uses than would otherwise be allowed by the underlying zoning district(s). These neighborhoods are envisioned as active areas in a pedestrian-oriented, walkable environment. These areas are typically served by public transit, which affords residents, business patrons, and visitors the ability to reduce reliance on personal vehicles.
The Mixed-Use Redevelopment Area allows for the integration of residential and nonresidential uses with a compatible mix of businesses and multiple-dwelling housing opportunities of various styles and densities. Development opportunities shall provide for compatible and complementary retail, office, employment and entertainment uses with residential uses using greater design flexibility than allowed by the underlying zoning districts. The consolidation of small vacant and underutilized parcels into viable mixed-use development is encouraged.
Note: Because of the complex nature of the mixed use overlay districts they may be viewed as both zoning districts and overlay districts.
See § 295-34.1B for overlay locations and boundaries.
Mixed-use overlay districts are superimposed over the existing underlying zoning districts and do not replace the underlying zoning districts. Instead, both the overlay districts and the underlying zoning districts exist and apply simultaneously to the lands over which they are zoned. A parcel within a mixed-use overlay district may be developed either as a mixed use in accordance with this article, or otherwise in accordance with the underlying zoning district regulations, but not both.
For complete information, see Article IXA: Mixed-Use Overlay Districts.